Your packaging design is not only a key part of what reminds your customers of your brand but also a way for you for your products to stand out on a shelf.
Branded patterns have lately been a popular choice for packaging designs. They not only make a statement about your brand and products but also give you the chance to design custom patterns according to your brand requirements.
Branded patterns can seem like a lot of work and might even seem like a task that requires some technical knowledge in Adobe Illustrator. Surprise, surprise! You can make all the patterns you want for your boxes on Canva.
Canva is a basic design tool for those who want to avoid the hassle of learning to use tools like Illustrator and Photoshop. It comes with tons of free templates and requires minimal knowledge on design to use. You can create patterns by simply adding images or icons and replicating them to your liking. Canva also provides users with text formats, shapes, and more!
So let’s get started on creating a pattern for your packaging.
Step 1 - Create a template
The first step is to create a template for you to make your patterns on. The dimensions of your box are important here. Make sure you measure boxes in the same fashion that your supplier does so that there is no confusion with the pattern or the sizing. For example, if your box is 10" in length, 6.5" in width, and 2" in height, then the standard way of writing dimensions would be 10" x 6.5" x 2".

In order to design a pattern for your packaging, you will need to divide the box panels. Each side of the box would have two of the three dimensions mentioned above as the dimensions of the panel. For example, the front of the box as seen in the image above would be one panel with dimensions of 10 inches in length and 2 inches in height.

Choose custom size and set these dimensions in Canva. Once the panel is created, be sure to label it accurately to avoid confusion.
Step 2 - Choose your icon or graphic
Once your panel is created, work on the pattern you want to print on your packaging. Patterns can range from abstract designs to icons or vector graphics. If you're looking for free graphics and icons, consider exploring Freepik, Flaticon, or Canva’s free resources filled with a wide range of images you can use. You can edit these icons to fit your brand colors and image.
Canva provides their users with tons of patterns options. Go to the background tab on the left bar and scroll down towards the end to see the options. You can also type “patterns” into the search box.

Once your icon is created, make sure to keep a copy of it on a separate panel in case you need to edit the icon. Additionally, keep a copy of your icon in SVG format as well as PNG format with a transparent background in case you need to replicate the pattern on other platforms.
Step 3 - Create the pattern
Place your icon in the position according to the design you want to create. To create the pattern below, place the suitcase icons in a row as seen in the image. Select the whole row of icons and duplicate it to create consecutive rows.
Once the pattern is created, it would look as seen in the image below.

Important note: When designing in Canva, the colors are displayed in RGB and printing on paper utilises CMYK color system. While there is no way to view colors in CMYK mode in Canva, you can always download your designs as a PDF and convert them to CMYK using an online tool. We'd suggest using Canva to alter the colors until the converted CMYK color and on screen RGB color are similar or fit your needs.
Step 4 - Duplicate pages
Once the pattern for the panel is created, duplicate the page by clicking on the icon. Note that, of the 6 panels on a square box, 3 pairs of panels will have the same dimensions. By duplicating the panel you are essentially creating pairs of the panels with the same dimensions.

Step 5 - Customize it further
You can even add text or other design elements onto your panels depending on where on the box you want it to be displayed.

Step 6 - Finish!
Once your pattern is ready, you can apply it to your dieline template or share it with us along with other packaging details. You can place an order on our Online Packaging Quotation tool. In the 'Design' section, you can upload your design(s). We'd suggest compressing all of your images together into one zip file and name it appropriately. We'll then review your artwork and get back to you if any modifications need to be made!
Clearly, you don't have to be a pro to design your own branded packaging designs. With easy to use tools like Canva, you can make your packaging stand out without anyone's help.