
Can packaging foam be recycled?

Can packaging foam be recycled?

Packaging foam comprises various foam materials used for protecting and cushioning products during delivery. The recyclability of foam depends on its specific type.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam, commonly known as styrofoam, is difficult to recycle but may be accepted by specialized facilities. It is not easily recyclable in most curbside programs, but some recycling centers may recycle clean and uncontaminated EPS foam.

Polyethylene foam (PE) is more recyclable than EPS foam. Some recycling centers may accept PE foam, but you should check with your local recycling facilities for specific guidelines.

Polyurethane foam (PU), a popular open-cell foam insert option in custom packaging, is difficult to recycle conventionally. However, specialized facilities may recycle PU foam using chemical processes to break it down into raw materials.

A common type of closed-cell foam insert material is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) foam. The recyclability of EVA foam can vary by geography, but some recycling centers may accept EVA foam. Similarly, we recommend contacting your local recycling facilities for guidance.