
How to Design on a Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline

Design Guide for Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Templates

Follow this step-by-step guide and learn to add your designs to a collapsible magnetic rigid box dieline template with Adobe Illustrator. This guide walks you through what you should keep in mind as you add your design elements to the dieline template.

Video tutorial

Watch this video tutorial and see how to add your designs to a collapsible magnetic rigid box dieline template.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Tutorial Thumbnail

Step by Step Guide

1. Getting started

To get started with your collapsible magnetic rigid box dieline template, begin by making sure your document is in CMYK color mode, the color system used for printing. This can be done by going to File > Document Color Mode > CMYK Mode.

When designing make sure to reference the Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Orientation Guide to ensure that you are placing elements in the correct location and orientation. Remember to account for bleeds when adding your designs.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Orientation Guide

2. Main box exterior

When adding your designs to the main box exterior, designs for the front wall, front flap and top lid can be added in the same orientation but designs on the back and bottom will have to be inverted.

The front flap refers to the front side of the box when it is closed, and the front wall refers to the front side of the box when it’s opened. The front flap contains the magnetic closure which is secured to the front wall.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Orientation Guide Main Board Exterior

3. Main box interior

When adding your designs to the main box interior, only designs on the front wall will have to be inverted. The rest of the designs can stay in the same orientation.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Orientation Guide Main Board Interior

4. Side walls

For both interior and exterior side walls, you can ensure you’re looking at it in the right orientation when the edge with the tab sticking out in the middle is downwards.

Due to the composition of the collapsible magnetic rigid box, the triangle at the end pieces of the side wall exterior will be hidden because it will be glued to the main board. The triangles inside of those are where an adhesive will go, and thus will also be hidden once the box is properly assembled for use.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Orientation Guide Side Walls

5. Finishing up

When you're done designing, double check it with the dieline orientation guide to make sure that everything is in the correct location and orientation.

To learn more about adding logos, vectorizing text or embedding images on dielines in Adobe Illustraor, head to our dieline design tips page.

Collapsible Magnetic Rigid Box Dieline Orientation Guide Final Check